Online Counseling

Obtaining therapy when you need it can be crucial to your wellbeing, and studies have shown that online therapy is more effective for some patients as it allows regular attendance wherever they are. Furthermore, as the science of medicine and psychology constantly evolves, so do clinicians pursue new and effective treatment methods for various health conditions. What’s more? Technology is an essential part of medical science, and our software encrypts the doctor-patient virtual room at a military level.

Most Insurance Accepted

We accept most health insurance plans, including Medi-Cal, Medicare, Military Insurance, State and Federal health plans, as well as many out-of-state insurances. We have a specialized team of billers that verify your coverage before the starting of your treatment and process the claims directly with your insurance company. Most copays are in the range of $0-$20 per session.

Call Us: +1 626 354 6440

Individual and Groups

We provide individual and group counseling to accommodate people who may benefit from different treatment approaches. Individual psychotherapy gives you the chance to talk to a professional one-to-one about your concerns, issues, and anything important to you. Group therapy, on the other hand, a practice adopted as an effective treatment approach for more than 50 years, allows you to meet specially-trained therapists and a small cohort to explore how personality and relational dynamics affect us personally


For years we have helped people recover from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, relational difficulties, and traumatic loss. Give us a chance to team up with you and walk together on this journey. We provide individualized care and approach any condition as a team, so we can diagnose, treat and prevent ordinary and chronic illnesses.

As an independent group practice, we can plan for multiple follow appointments until you feel ready to experience your life again, in this way you gain confidence in yourself and in the medical process. We have a specialized health coordinator who can help you manage chronic conditions and ensure your treatment proceeds smoothly.

We provide a broad range of services to meet and exceed the standard of care and the expectations of our patients.


Our goal is to help our customers be satisfied and solve problems when leaving, we are not seeking profits that we want to share, sympathize, help you solve your worries and troubles. This sleek metallic tower stands out from surrounding buildings, and is set to transform.

We think it’s really important that clinicians have a mixture of clinical skill and human qualities that mean you can place your trust in them.

Each one of us wants someone to talk to, we will listen to you with all our heart


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